Friday, September 28, 2012

Unemployed - Cash Flow Review

Even though I got severance and wouldn't have to worry about health benefits for a few months, I still had to review my cash flow.  I wanted to see how much was coming in and how much was going out.

I used an excel spreadsheet to look at my past expenses and compared it to what I thought should be coming in. Luckily, my husband was still working, but would his income be enough to cover all of our expenses?

We currently live in an area with one of the highest costs of living in the country.  The median price of a house is well over $500,000 and the cost of basics such as fuel, food and transportation is also high.

I used an excel spreadsheet to list our run rate of fixed and variable expenses.

  • Mortgage 
  •  Daycare/Preschool
  • Gas/Utilities
  • Taxes (property and income)
  • Food
  • Insurance

  • Credit Card bills for daily and other expenses such as clothes, dining out, services (TV), and entertainment
  • Savings - retirement, college and other

Then I did a review to see what, if anything, I could cut.  It made me think of what was a "need" versus what was a "want".  I knew that I couldn't take out basics such as shelter (mortgage) and food, but even within the category of "food" I knew that there were choices.  Would I continue to buy organic?  Would I change which supermarket I go to so that I can minimize this expense?  I had to take a hard look at everything and nothing was off the table.   All of these "choices" was really dependent on what our cash flow looked like and whether our income could cover our expenses. Where could I cut the "fat"?  Was there any "fat"? 

Losing my income was a blow, but when I took a closer look, I realized that if we made a few adjustments, we would be OK.  There had been a change in my mindset. 

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