Thursday, September 27, 2012

Now Unemployed - Financial Review

Now that I was unemployed, I had to do a financial review.   I had to take a close look at all facets of my finances.  While I was still in a state of shock, I had to do a reality check to either temper my panic or see if I had the ability to take some time off.  What things did I look at or consider?

Cash Flow Analysis and Review
  • Did we have enough income to meet our current obligations?
  • Would we have to make certain adjustments?
  • Where was our money going and what changes needed to be made?

Debt and Other Obligations
  •  How much debt did we have and what were our payment obligations?
  • What were our other expenses and what could we do?

Long Term Goals and Net Worth
  • What was our net worth and what were our long term goals?
  • Would we be able to meet our goals?

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