Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Post Restructuring Cash Flow Review - Using Coupons and Store Loyalty Cards

How will I tackle the food expense?  How will I lower it?  Should I start using coupons?

I have to admit.  I was not a regular coupon user.   Whenever I went to the store, I typically just stocked up whenever I saw a good deal on a product that I typically bought.  I was a creature of habit and had bought enough of some products that I knew the sales cycle.  For instance, whenever pasta sauce was on sale (like 2 for $6), I knew that should take advantage and buy a few jars of sauce.

After the restructuring, I was wondering whether I should look more closely at coupons. 

Use Coupons?

Should I start using coupons more frequently?

I have never really been a big fan of most coupons found in the newspaper or sent to our home.  They were for products that I didn't use and I thought that these products were generally overpriced.   Occasionally, I would see a coupon for a product and take the time to actually cut clip them, but then I'd forget about them whenever I was at the store.

Store Loyalty Cards

Besides the creep factor from giving a company insights into my purchasing decisions, I find that store loyalty cards save me quite a bit of money.   I guess there has to be some give and take to get a deal.  I shop regularly at Safeway and there are too many deals that are available to club members that are not available to non-members.  Also, I found that if I registered online, I could sign up for "just for U" digital coupons that give me discounts on products that I typically purchase and some other special ones as well.

I think that getting a store loyalty card is only worth it if you shop there frequently enough and where you buy things you actually need.  I have enough cards in my wallet, I don't need any more and there has to be a compelling reason for me to use another card.

Also, like anything, you don't get a deal if you don't actually consume or use the product.  One problem with shopping at most stores is that I'm constantly bombarded with "deals".  I've learned not to get tempted.  Unless the special is on a product that I need and/or typically use, I just walk on.  

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