Saturday, June 25, 2011

Value of Time

Earlier, I posted about starting a garden, but then I thought, what was the "true" cost of having a garden?

Each tomato plant cost around $4 and the strawberry plants cost around $5 for a set of 3 strawberry plants and I hope to yield enough to cover the cost of each plant. But, I started to think about the cost of my time in terms of tending to the plants, making sure I gave them enough water, picked the fruits when ripe (before the birds or squirrels got to them).

If I were to calculate the time and energy spent times and the yield versus the cost of the same fruit and vegetables at the market, would I actually come out ahead? Probably not. I didn't pick low maintenance plants. These plants needed to be watered daily, pruned and the fruit had to be picked. In any case, it didn't really matter in some ways. There are intangible benefits to growing my own food. I feel some some satisfaction in growing my own food and having fresh fruits and vegetables that I know is pesticide-free. Also, I feel like a little kid. I love watching the whole process. The trees and plants bloom and flower and then I can see tiny buds that eventually turn in fruits or vegetables.

I'm eagerly waiting for the figs to ripen. Can't wait.

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